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The Affiliate Reminders tool

Never forget a follow-up with an affiliate again! Use the free Affiliate Reminders tool to set important reminders for follow-ups for anyone in your team.

The Affiliate Reminders tool

You can set reminders to:

* Confirm an affiliate has completed a task or action
* Send an e-card
* Remind an affiliate of a deadline
* Recognize a birthday or SFI anniversary
* Provide the next step in your training or personal consultation

Here’s how:

Just click the bell icon next to an affiliate listed on your Genealogy, Movers tab, or from any Affiliate Snapshot.

A new page will appear where you can set the date and time you want to be reminded, and a box to enter whatever message you want to create for yourself (for example, Send Joe an e-card congratulating him for advancing to EA). NOTE: YOU are the ONLY person who will see what you type here; your affiliate does NOT see this. This page will also list all other reminders you’ve created for this affiliate.

Each reminder you set will then appear on your Alerts tab at the time and date you set. They will automatically appear for a maximum of one week. Alternately, you can dismiss them from your Alerts tab manually, at your convenience, by clicking the “X” located on the right side of each reminder.

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Create a contest to get your team in action!

Here’s an easy way to motivate your team and encourage action: create a contest! You could award TCredits for the most VP accumulated in your team in a single month, for example. Or, you could reassign PSAs to affiliates who achieve a top five ranking in their class. It’s up to you.

Create a contest to get your team in action!

AND…it’s super easy to do! Just go to your Leadership Page, click the REWARDS/INCENTIVES tab, and simply fill in the contest fields. You can select your contest duration, prizes (SFI gift certificates, TCredits, reassigned PSAs, ECommergy Day Pass, or a Launchpack), qualifications for winning, and the number of times an affiliate can win. Click Submit when you’re done.

Also, be sure to recognize your winners in your newsletter and/or on your team Website or blog. Above all, don’t be afraid to be creative!

Get more SFI Power Tips inside your account here: https://www.sfimg.com/Home/Tips

Energize your SFI team through gifting

Looking for an easy way to encourage your team members to get active in SFI? Consider gifting TCredits, ECommergy Passes, LaunchPacks, or TripleClicks Gift Certificates to your Personally Sponsored Affiliates (PSAs).

Energize your SFI team through gifting

A great method to help grow your business and strengthen your team, gifting can convey a warm welcome from you to a promising new affiliate. You can give rewards to your PSAs who achieve specific goals (VP earnings, rank advancement, sponsoring a new affiliate, completing a sale, etc.). You can even give a gift with rank-advancing VP attached to a hard-working affiliate struggling to reach his rank qualifications this month.

Over time and when used smartly, gifts can also help nudge many “fence sitters” in your downline to take action they may otherwise not have. What’s more, by introducing your team to various aspects of the SFI Program, you’re encouraging your affiliates to become active in their own businesses, strengthening your entire downline and substantially growing your own commission checks!

PLUS…any TC Gift Certificates not redeemed by your recipients are re-deposited back to your Gift Fund balance (TC Account), making these gifts an especially budget friendly, NO-RISK option!

Issuing gifts is easy:

1. Add funds your account (TC Account), using the Gift Fund Manager.

2. At your Genealogy Report, click the GIFT tab, and select the BUY NOW link next to your chosen affiliate(s).

3. Select the gift you want to give and click the green ISSUE button.

The SFI system automatically deducts the amount of your gift from your TC Account balance, and sends your affiliate a special e-mail notifying them of the gift you’ve offered, along with instructions on what they should do next to claim it. Your affiliate will also receive the VersaPoints associated with that item.

NOTE: You can also issue Gift Certificates to your Personally Referred Members (PRMs) to encourage them to explore their Zing Membership. You can issue Gift Certificates to your PRMs via your Gift Fund Manager.

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The window into your entire SFI business

Your Genealogy Report is your window into your entire SFI business, not to mention one of your most powerful resources in SFI! Use your Genealogy to manage and track your growing organization, send individual and group messages to your entire organization (or any segment), monitor affiliate activity, award gifts, reassign PSAs, access Affiliate Snapshots, and SO much more!

Your most powerful SFI team building tool

You’ll want to bookmark your Genealogy for easy access and check it often.

ALSO, be sure to read through the Genealogy Tips & Shortcuts support article to learn how to get the most from your Genealogy.

Get more SFI Power Tips inside your account here: https://www.sfimg.com/Home/Tips

SFI & the gig economy

The “gig economy” is growing rapidly around the world. Many companies continue to look for freelance service providers (examples: graphic design, writing, translation, video editing, animation, music production, and much more) instead of permanent hires. Want to know a great way to get found by companies looking for freelancers? Get a listing on Flexxity! Not only can you open up a whole new income stream, but you’ll also earn valuable Rewardicals you can exchange for cash, PSAs, Bitcoin and more. PLUS…it’s FREE if you’re an SFI Team Leader!

SFI & the gig economy

Register as a Flexxity Service Provider now at: www.Flexxity.com/signup

Learn more about the Flexxity platform.

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Give the gift of ECommergy…

ECommergy day passes are a great way to help your affiliates build their own SFI businesses. Inexpensive to give, day passes can encourage more ECommergy subscription sign-ups and rank advancement within your downline (and commissions for you)!

Give the gift of ECommergy...

Here’s how:

1. Open the GIFT tab on your Genealogy
2. Click the checkbox in front of the person’s name you want to give a day pass
3. Click the “Buy Now” link
4. Choose the day pass you want to give and submit
5. We’ll immediately process the order and notify your member

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Cultivate leadership on your SFI team

Getting the most from your up-and-coming leaders is about quality, not quantity…and the power of duplication.

Get the MOST from your up-and-coming leaders!

Many SFI affiliates sponsor dozens, even hundreds of affiliates and never see great success.


The fact is, you don’t need to sponsor tons of affiliates to be successful. Rather, you simply need to sponsor a handful of good people who DUPLICATE what you do.

Yes, regularly sponsoring new affiliates is very important, but it should not be 100% of what you do. At least 50% of your time and effort should be spent working with those who you’ve already sponsored, teaching them how to do what you do.

Have you ever said to yourself, “Gee, if I just had a few people just like me!”?

Indeed, this is the key. And the way you “clone” yourself is by identifying your affiliates who show serious interest and then working with them any way you can to get them fully engaged and active.

How do you identify these future leaders? You can start by contacting every affiliate you sponsor who completes the Affiliate Profile. You can identify these future go-getters by looking in your Genealogy.

So what should you say to the affiliates you’ve identified? A very simple and direct message would work nicely; something like this:


Dear John,

In reviewing my reports of active affiliates in my group, I noticed your name.

John, one of the most important things I do is help develop future leaders in my group. The fact is, I can only be successful if the affiliates I sponsor are successful. Therefore, I make myself available in any way I can to help support those in my group who I believe have potential.

If you are serious about building a successful and profitable business with SFI, please let me know. There are many ways I can help you so let me hear from you, and we’ll get started.


Your Name
Your contact information


IMPORTANT TIP: Even the most well-written message will do you no good if it never arrives in your affiliate’s e-mail inbox. Make sure your welcome letters and other messages don’t fall prey to the various spam filters used by all e-mail hosts. These filters typically identify words (especially if used repeatedly in an e-mail) they deem likely used in spam. Fortunately, there are numerous free online tools you can use to help ensure your messages don’t get flagged as spam and instead reach your recipient’s inbox as intended. For maximum effectiveness, we recommend you check each of your messages using two or more of these checkers:

* Glock Apps
* Litmus
* Mail-Tester

For more tips and ideas generating duplication, see this Support page.

Get more SFI Power Tips inside your account here: https://www.sfimg.com/Home/Tips

Think like successful people to succeed

“Personal leadership must come from the inside out. You cannot wait for someone else to push you; you must motivate yourself through goal setting.”
—Paul J. Meyer

Insights & quotes from successful people

“If you do not consciously decide ahead of time where you are going, you may very easily end up somewhere else.”
—Laurence J. Peter

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.”
—Antoine de Saint-Exupery

“The reason most people never reach their goals is that they don’t define them, or ever seriously consider them as believable or achievable. Winners can tell you where they are going, what they plan to do along the way, and who will be sharing the adventure with them.”
—Denis Watley

“To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.”
—Anatole France

“First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.”

“Give me a stock clerk with a goal and I’ll give you a man who will make history. Give me a man with no goals and I’ll give you a stock clerk.”
—J.C. Penney

“You got to be careful if you don’t know where you’re going, because you might not get there.”
—Yogi Berra

“A successful individual typically sets his next goal somewhat but not too much above his last achievement. In this way he steadily raises his level of aspiration.”
—Kurt Lewin

“The big secret in life is that there is no big secret. Whatever your goal, you can get there if you’re willing to work.”
—Oprah Winfrey

“The person with a fixed goal, a clear picture of his desire, or an ideal always before him, causes it, through repetition, to be buried deeply in his subconscious mind and is thus enabled, thanks to its generative and sustaining power, to realize his goal in a minimum of time and with a minimum of physical effort. Just pursue the thought unceasingly. Step by step you will achieve realization, for all your faculties and powers become directed to that end.”
—Claude M. Bristol

“Failure is not in an unsuccess goal, but in having no goal to reach.”
—Benjamin Mays

“The purpose of goals is to focus our attention. The mind will not reach toward achievement until it has clear objectives. The magic begins when we set goals. It is then that the switch is turned on, the current begins to flow, and the power to accomplish becomes a reality.”
—”The Best of Success,” by Wynn Davis

“The most important thing about goals is having one.”
—Geoffry F. Abert

Until input (thought) is linked to a goal (purpose) there can be no intelligent accomplishment.
– Paul G. Thomas

You will now have a starting place and a destination, and you will be able to determine what it will cost you to get there…You will be going someplace.
– H. Stanley Judd

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What you MUST KNOW to succeed in SFI

1. Don’t wait for everything to be exactly right to start…THERE WILL NEVER BE A “PERFECT” TIME! Start now, with whatever you have. The things you need will come to you as you work toward your goal.

What you MUST KNOW to succeed in SFI

2. Though SFI is one of the few businesses where you can earn while you learn, think of your first six months primarily as a training period. Don’t expect large earnings until after you’ve educated yourself.

3. Don’t give your affiliates unrealistic expectations.

4. Don’t be derailed by “perfection paralysis.” Realize that you won’t be able to do everything perfectly. Do the best job you can, then move on to the next project. Keep learning and keep moving ahead.

5. Read books (such as Napoleon Hill’s classic, “Think And Grow Rich”) that will convince you how powerful your mind really is. Develop the tremendous potential in you (that we all have) that has never been tapped!

6. Always present yourself and your business in a professional and ethical manner.

7. Stick to the facts. Don’t exaggerate the opportunity.

8. Realize that “rejection” is natural. For every 20 people you contact, expect 19 “no’s” for every “yes.” You may very well do better than that, but expect 19 rejections. This way, the rejections won’t bother you because you expect them. Also, realize that they’re not rejecting YOU—they’re simply rejecting an idea. Just keep moving ahead. Be persistent, ignore the rejections, and you’ll get more than enough “yes’s” to build a highly successful business.

9. Have FUN! People can’t resist someone having fun. Make your business so much fun that others will flock to you to join you.

10. Ask for people’s opinion on the opportunity. It’s a good way to determine what objections they might have to joining and also allows you the chance to overcome those objections.

11. Don’t place a few ads or contact a few people and expect the money to start rolling in. Expect to work your business consistently for two to three years before seeing a really substantial income.

12. Ask for referrals. Ask, “Do you know anyone who might be looking to earn some extra money?”

13. Build a list of contacts. Add to it daily.

14. Don’t become obsessed with sponsoring a “heavy hitter.” Instead, learn how to become a heavy hitter yourself.


For even more success tips, see these and other SFI Getting Started and Sponsoring Affiliates training articles:

* Be An Awesome Sponsor
* Rules Of Success
* Introduce Yourself!
* Your Role in SFI – Being A Sponsor: What It Means

Get more SFI Power Tips inside your account here: https://www.sfimg.com/Home/Tips

10 SFI Affiliate Center links to bookmark

The SFI Affiliate Center is absolutely FULL of tips and ideas! Here are 10 links you absolutely should bookmark NOW and revisit often:

10 SFI Affiliate Center links to bookmark

1. The LAUNCHPAD LESSON series: https://www.sfimg.com/LaunchPad/

2. Your Affiliate TO-DO LIST: https://www.sfimg.com/Home/ToDoList

3. SFI FORUM: https://www.sfimg.com/forum

4. SFI SUPPORT DESK / KNOWLEDGE BASE: https://www.sfimg.com/Support/

5. SFI NEWS@THE SFI FORUM: https://www.sfimg.com/forum/threads?forum_id=23

6. SFI RULES OF SUCCESS: https://www.sfimg.com/Training/

7. BE AN AWESOME SPONSOR: https://www.sfimg.com/Training/AwesomeSponsor

8. TRAINING LIBRARY: https://www.sfimg.com/Training/

9. The TIPS tab on your homepage: https://www.sfimg.com/Home?tab=tips

10. ASK GERY@THE SFI FORUM: https://www.sfimg.com/forum/threads?forum_id=29

You can also click on the names of hundreds of our top affiliates on our Leaderboards to read their best tips.

Get more SFI Power Tips inside your account here: https://www.sfimg.com/Home/Tips

Make Money Online with SFI

Join me, Soussan Danian, and I'll personally help you build a second income with top rated SFI—now in its 20th year! Click here to join my team and get started FREE today!

Grow a second income with the world’s #1 affiliate program.